Tomato Energy needed an engaging method to communicate the intricate details of their “Root to Zero” program to potential clients. They wanted a solution that not only explained the technical aspects but also encouraged trust in their brand. Socially Grown elected to create an animated explainer video that could achieve these goals.


“Root to Zero” is an initiative by Tomato Energy designed to assist businesses in navigating the range of decarbonisation strategies available. It simplifies the journey towards net-zero emissions by offering valuable insights and personalised planning. The program includes energy solutions such as solar panels, advanced battery storage, and voltage optimisation, among others. By implementing these solutions, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs simultaneously.



To vividly bring the “Root to Zero” program to life, we conceptualised the journey as that of a vehicle travelling towards its destination. This analogy was chosen for its inherent narrative and visual flexibility. The video uses the metaphor of routes, navigation aids, vehicle performance indicators, and road signage to represent the various steps and decision points in the “Root to Zero” process. This journey begins with gathering baseline data and progresses through planning, pathway building, soft decarbonisation measures, and monitoring progress using systems and processes. Finally, it reaches the destination of achieving recognised certification with educational outreach.




The animated explainer video successfully communicated the essence and benefits of the “Root to Zero” program, providing potential clients with a clear understanding of what Tomato Energy offers. It helped demystify the decarbonisation process, presented Tomato Energy as a reliable partner in sustainability, and encouraged businesses to embark on their journey to net-zero emissions. This video is now a key piece in Tomato Energy’s marketing toolkit, engaging audiences and driving interest in their sustainable solutions.

This collaboration with Tomato Energy showcased the potential of animated content in not only educating, but also inspiring meaningful changes towards a sustainable future.


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